Friday, April 27, 2012

What I'm going to miss about Australia

In less than a week we'll be back in Mexico - where all sorts of great things await us. Today I was having lunch with a Mexican friend here in Sydney, and he asked me "So what are you going to miss about Australia?" Here's a bit of list (in no particular order)
 Meat Pies
 Sausage Rolls
 Just Right
 Being able to sort out things like car insurance with one phone call (even though the on hold waiting can be significant)
 Knowing how things work (eg: public transport, banking, school pickup...)
 Morning tea after church
 Small group Bible study
 Walking to school
 Mowing the lawn
 Mucking around in the back yard
 The beach
 Easy friends who you can chill with
 A quiet street
 BBC drama
 magpies (the birds, not Collingwood)
 kid's friends coming over to play
 Driving on the left
 Easy food options when travelling
 River Cottage
 The Voice (just joking)
 Church that stretches my mind
 Trustworthy police
 Cool nights

 Having said all that - we're really looking to going back!

 "Speak" to you from the other side.

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